Tips to Get Used to Eating with Dentures

March 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchopark @ 6:11 pm

Older couple enjoying an outdoor mealNothing is more exciting than getting your new set of teeth. Advancements in materials and technologies allow dentures to look and feel realistic. They will function like your natural teeth but don’t expect to chomp down on a hamburger right away. It will take about a week to adjust to eating with your new dentures. Here are a few tips to help you through the transition.

Temperature Check Foods and Drinks

Always check the temperature of foods and drinks to avoid accidental burns. Your dentures will provide a barrier over your gums. You may not be aware something is too hot until it’s too late. Not to mention, you should never expose your dentures to hot liquids because they can warp.

Start with Soft Foods

When trying out your new teeth, start with soft foods that require minimal chewing. Your muscles must get used to holding your dentures in place. Soft foods will help you avoid biting the inside of your cheeks or tongue as your mouth adapts to your dentures.

Chew Evenly

Chew evenly on both sides of your mouth. Chewing on only one side can lead to uneven wear and tear. It also increases the risk of your dentures dislodging, and no one wants their teeth to fall out at the dinner table.

Bite with Your Canines

If you are biting into an apple or a hamburger, don’t use your incisors because it’s more likely to make your dentures move. Instead, bite with your canines.

Chew Slowly and Carefully

Take your time and chew slowly to prevent biting your lips, tongue, or cheeks. It will also prevent your dentures from falling out. Don’t get discouraged if it feels awkward. Practice makes perfect.

Cut Food Into Small Pieces

As you introduce harder foods, cut them into small pieces to make them easier to chew. This is especially important with raw vegetables or tough meat.

Skip Sticky Foods

Avoid eating any sticky foods because they can dislodge your dentures. It can also cling to your new teeth. Although dentures can’t get cavities, sticky residue can damage them over time.

Although you may have to wait a couple of weeks to have a hamburger, you’ll soon be enjoying a variety of delicious foods. In no time at all, you may forget your dentures aren’t your real teeth.

About Dr. Albert Silvera

Dr. Silvera earned his dental degree from the UCLA School of Dentistry and has continued his education to specialize in smile design, porcelain veneers, sedation, and dentures. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the California Dental Association, and the Academy of General Dentistry. Request an appointment through his website or call his office at (310) 706-2142.

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