Dental Implants – Los Angeles, CA

New Roots for Your New Smile

No one should have to go the rest of their lives with an incomplete smile, so it’s a good thing that there are so many ways to replace missing teeth. The most advanced method for replacing missing teeth that’s currently available is dental implants. By replacing the entire tooth from the roots up, dental implants from our Los Angeles, CA dentist can be used to restore your oral health, appearance, and confidence in a way that goes beyond what traditional replacements are capable of.

Why Choose Rancho Park Dental Care for Dental Implants?

  • Partnered with Experienced Dental Implant Specialists
  • Dentist That Listens Carefully to Your Concerns
  • Wide Variety of Natural-Looking Dental Restorations

What are Dental Implants?

Animated dental implant supported replacement tooth

The term “dental implants” typically refers to small posts usually made from titanium, a highly biocompatible metal. Once an implant has been inserted into your jawbone, a process called osseointegration will take place. As the surrounding bone tissue heals, it will gradually fuse with the implant posts. This allows the implants to always stay anchored in the mouth and stimulate the jawbone the way that your natural tooth roots do.

The 4 Step Dental Implant Process

Dentist and patient discussing the four step dental implant process

Understanding how dental implants work in Rancho Park is key when deciding how you want to replace your missing teeth. The process for receiving these permanent prosthetics is quite simple, requiring only four steps: initial consultation, dental implant surgery, osseointegration, and delivery of the final restoration. Although our team will refer you to an outside specialist for the surgical part of the placement, you can expect a smooth procedure in combination with a beautiful and natural restoration designed to complete your smile and offer full functionality. Contact us today with any questions or concerns you might have.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Dental implant consultation in Rancho Park

Before you can begin to plan for dental implant placement, you must first schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Silvera. During this appointment, we will examine your oral cavity with the help of advanced dental technologies that allow us to see a full view of your facial structures. Once we collect our findings and determine the status of your jawbone and your oral and overall health, your implant dentist in Rancho Park will decide if you need preliminary treatments before undergoing implant surgery. These can include tooth extraction, periodontal therapy, or even bone grafting.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant surgery in Rancho Park

Once you are cleared for surgery, we will refer you to an outside specialist with the skill and training to place your dental implants in Rancho Park. After receiving local anesthesia, one or more implant posts will be carefully placed and angled within your jawbone to ensure optimal support. The gum tissue will then be closed before healing caps are placed over the tops of your implants.

Dental Implant Osseointegration/Abutment

Dental implant in Rancho Park

After surgery, you will return home to begin recovering. This process typically takes anywhere from 3-6 months. The reason for the long healing period is due to osseointegration. This is the process of the bone and implant posts fusing. They must integrate and create a solid foundation if your new smile is to be a success. Once you are fully healed, you’ll return to have your metal abutments, which are small connectors, attached to your dental implants.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

Woman with dental implants in Rancho Park

The final step in the dental implant placement process is receiving your customized restoration. Permanent prosthetics are quite versatile in their ability to treat all types of tooth loss, which is why you can receive a crown, bridge, or denture depending on your needs. Designed by skilled lab technicians who take the specifications and images/impressions provided by our team, you can expect your restoration to look, feel, and act just like your regular teeth. Not only does this offer you greater confidence, but you’ll enjoy the added functionality when it comes to eating and speaking, especially around others.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Woman pointing at her dental implants in Rancho Park

While dental implants are known for replacing teeth and rebuilding smiles, their benefits extend far beyond that. Not only are they a fantastic solution for tooth loss, but they offer many benefits to your oral and overall health after they’ve been placed. Below, you can learn more about them from the dentists of Rancho Park Dental Group! We encourage you to give our office a call and schedule a consultation as well to see if dental implants are right for you.

Day-to-Day Benefits

Older couple enjoying benefits of dental implants in Rancho Park
  • Take Back Your Bite: Dental implants restore your bite force and chewing strength so that you can eat more of your favorite foods. This means hard, chewy, crunchy, or otherwise tough foods to break down can be enjoyed with the strongest biting force possible.
  • Better Stability: Your replacement teeth will not slip while you’re chewing or talking. This is a common issue for those who use traditional dentures not held in place with dental implants. If you want to avoid embarrassing moments at the dinner table and speak with better clarity, dental implants are a great option.
  • Keep Your Oral Care Routine: You can take care of dental implants just like your natural teeth. This means brushing twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste and flossing daily. Just make sure to clean off any food debris that gets stuck around the crown attached to your implant.

Health Benefits

Older woman with dental implants in Rancho Park stretching outside
  • Ensure an Even Bite: The implant posts prevent your other teeth from drifting out of place, a common side effect for those with missing teeth. This can not only lead to more gaps in your smile, but changes in how your bite comes together. Uneven bites cause disproportionate stress on your jaw joints, causing long-term discomfort.
  • Expand Your Diet: With the ability to eat more foods than you could before, it’s much easier to achieve a well-balanced diet complete with the vitamins and nutrients you need to stay healthy.
  • Stop Bone Loss: Dental implants will help preserve your jawbone since the titanium posts continuously stimulate bone tissue, especially when chewing. This also helps prevent changes in your jawbone shape, hollowing of your cheeks, and facial sagging.

Long-Term Benefits

Older woman smiling at her implant dentist in Rancho Park
  • Maintain a Beautiful Smile: Your new teeth will be almost identical to your natural ones in appearance. That means you can smile, laugh, and eat your favorite foods knowing your teeth look lifelike, regardless of how many you needed to replace.
  • True Longevity: Dental implants can last 30 years or longer, making them the best long-term investment for addressing tooth loss. In many cases, dental implants can last for life, something that cannot be said for traditional dental bridges or dentures.
  • Have Confidence in Your Treatment: The success rate of dental implants falls between 95% and 98%, making them an extremely reliable option for replacing teeth. This is thanks to the many preparatory steps our office as well as our trusted oral surgeon take prior to completing treatment.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Man with dental implants smiling

Thanks to their versatility, dental implants can be used to replace any number of teeth. Most adults are good candidates for dental implant placement so long as they have decent oral health and have enough bone density in their jaws; bone grafts and other procedures may need to be performed first depending on the state of your mouth. Below are specific examples of situations that may call for dental implant placement.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Woman smiling in the dental chair

The majority of adults who are in good overall health are able to get dental implants without any issues. Here are some of the important criteria that we look at to determine candidacy:

  • General Health: Placing dental implants requires a surgical procedure, so you need to be in good enough health to undergo minor surgery.
  • Oral Health: Cavity and gum disease increase your risk of dental implant failure. If you have any existing oral health issues, they need to be addressed before you get dental implants.
  • Jawbone Density: You need to have adequate jawbone density to be a sturdy foundation for your dental implants.

If you aren’t a good candidate for dental implants now, this doesn’t necessarily rule them out for the future. Many patients need to undergo preliminary procedures beforehand. This includes things like tooth extractions, gum disease treatment, and bone grafting. We are more than happy to help you get scheduled for these so you can work toward getting dental implants in the future.

Missing One Tooth

Animated smile with dental implant supported dental crown

Instead of removing enamel from healthy teeth to make room for a dental bridge, a single implant can be placed directly into the gap. The implant will be restored with a dental crown that has been custom-crafted and shaded carefully so that it blends in seamlessly with the other teeth.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Animated smile with dental implant supported fixed bridge

Replacing multiple teeth with implants can mean different things. As just one example, if you have lost several teeth in a row, then they can all be replaced with a dental bridge supported by two implant crowns. Unlike regular bridges, implant bridges do not require alteration of the natural teeth.

Missing All Teeth

Animated smile dental implant supported denture

Dentures allow you to replace all your teeth simultaneously, and thanks to dental implants, you don’t have to worry about your prosthetic shifting when you don’t want it to. It’s much easier to maintain a varied diet with implant dentures since they restore much more of your bite than regular dentures.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Model of a dental implant resting on a stack of money

The price of placing and restoring implants can vary significantly from patient to patient. It largely depends on the number of teeth they want to replace, the location of the gaps, and the kind of restoration needed. That said, dental implants are often the smartest investment for your smile thanks to their long lifespan; unlike normal tooth replacements that will need to be redone every 7 to 10 years, implants can last 30 years or even a lifetime. Generally speaking, here’s what you can expect to influence the cost of your tooth replacement the most.

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

Implant dentist in Rancho Park showing patient a dental X-ray
  • In certain cases, preparatory treatments are needed before dental implants can be place with confidence. This includes gum disease therapy and bone grafts, both of which improve the integration process and create a healthy environment for the implant.
  • On top of that, surgical costs can vary based on how many dental implants you need to have placed. The more implants that are attached, the longer and more complex your surgery, which incurs higher costs.
  • Our office partners with local implant experts, which means the fees you incur from the surgeon will be separate from the fees you receive for your permanent restoration.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

Dentist explaining how dental implants in Rancho Park work

The more implants you need, the more materials will be required to rebuild your smile. Dental implants are made from titanium, a highly durable yet costly material. Furthermore, the manufacturer and brand you receive dental implants from can also have an impact on the cost. The local surgeon our office partners with will be happy to break down where they purchase their implants if you’d like to learn more ahead of your procedure.

Final Dental Implant Restoration

Implant dentist in Rancho Park performing a dental exam

Certain restorations will cost more than others simply because they require more materials and attention to detail to create. For example, single implant crowns will cost less on average than an implant bridge or denture. Regardless of the restoration you need to complete your smile, you can expect it to be incredibly lifelike and blend in with your existing teeth as closely as possible. This ensures you can feel confident showing your smile to those around you.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Woman smiling while visiting her implant dentist in Rancho Park

In most cases, dental insurance does not cover dental implants. However, there are certain phases of treatment that could receive partial coverage depending on the plan you have. For example, preparatory treatments to make dental implants viable or the restoration itself could be covered by dental benefits. Our team will gladly go over the details of your plan to ensure they are maximized to the fullest extent.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

Dental employee explaining cost of dental implants in Rancho Park

If dental insurance does not provide sufficient coverage for your care or you don’t have a dental insurance plan, a third-party financing options may be able to help make your treatment affordable. This includes CareCredit, a company that offers payment plans for dental services. By signing up, you can pay for more expensive treatments over several months, rather than all in one amount. This can make even the most expensive dental treatments easy to fit into a budget.

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implants

Man with dental implants in Los Angeles, CA smiling

Once you’ve gotten your dental implants, it’s up to you to take care of them so that you can continue enjoying your strong, beautiful new smile for decades. Dental implant maintenance is fairly simple, and you’ll always have the Rancho Park Dental Group to turn to if you have any questions. Below are some of the basic steps for dental implant care in Los Angeles; you’ll notice that many of them are things you already do to protect your natural teeth!

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

Woman with dental implants in Los Angeles, CA brushing teeth

One of the leading causes of implant failure is peri-implantitis, a form of gum disease that occurs when bacteria are allowed to accumulate around the implant post. Brushing and flossing will help keep the harmful bacteria at bay, preventing them from causing any permanent damage to the tissues anchoring your implant posts in place. An optimal oral hygiene routine involves brushing for two minutes twice a day, flossing regularly, and using ADA-approved mouthwash.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Heart-shaped plate with assortment of healthy foods

There’s nothing wrong with having a sweet tooth, but you have to be careful not to go overboard on sugary or starchy foods that can encourage the oral bacteria responsible for gum disease. Instead, eat fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, leafy greens, and dairy products that are packed with nutrients that can help improve gum health. Eating right helps you ensure that your mouth continues to provide an environment where dental implants can thrive over the long term.

Break Bad Habits

Woman with dental implants in Los Angeles, CA chewing on end of pen

Dental implant posts are made to stand up to the powerful forces of biting and chewing, but even they can suffer from serious damage over time. Biting your nails, chewing on the end of your pen, tearing open packaging with your mouth, and crunching ice are all examples of bad habits that can take a toll on dental implants and your natural tooth enamel. The sooner you drop these habits, the safer your smile will be; if you need help, consider replacing them with new habits that are gentler on your smile, such as keeping sugar-free gum on hand for when you feel the urge to chew something.

Protect Your Dental Implants

Close-up of hand holding a mouthguard for bruxism

A customized mouthguard can help you protect your dental implants in a variety of ways. Some are made to be worn at night to protect your implants (and the rest of your teeth) from unconscious grinding and clenching. Others are designed to keep your entire mouth safe while you’re playing your favorite sport. You can’t always predict accidents that will damage your dental implant, but getting a mouthguard for these situations can help you avoid a lot of issues in the future.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Dental patient with dental implants in Los Angeles, CA sitting back in chair

Even if you follow all of the steps listed above, there might be problems with your implants that you haven’t noticed. Continue to visit our office every six months for regular checkups so that we can confirm that your dental implants are in good shape and that there aren’t any complications developing. Catching the small problems early reduces the need for complex treatments later and helps maximize the lifespan of your implants.

Dental Implant FAQs

How Long Do Dental Implants Last? 

The average lifespan of a dental implant is about 30 years, but it can potentially last for a lifetime! Of course, its longevity depends on how well you care for your new smile. Luckily, dental implants don’t require a complicated, time-consuming daily care routine like dentures do; all you need to do is brush and floss like they were your natural teeth. You should also get six-month checkups with your implant dentist in Rancho Park and avoid bad habits that could put your implants in jeopardy, such as smoking, biting your fingernails, and chewing on ice.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

For the vast majority of patients with generally good health, dental implants are quite safe when placed by an experienced professional. That’s why we’ve partnered with a network of the best dental implant specialists in the Los Angeles area. We wouldn’t leave your new smile up to chance with someone we didn’t trust to do an excellent job!

It’s worth mentioning that certain health conditions might make surgery, including dental implant placement, risky. These include autoimmune diseases, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. If you have any of these conditions, we’ll discuss it in detail during your consultation. We may need to take additional precautions before your procedure, such as collaborating with your primary care physician on how to approach the treatment.

Will People Be Able to Tell That I Have Dental Implants?

Once the treatment process is complete, no one (other than our team members) should be able to tell that your dental implants in Rancho Park aren’t the teeth you were born with. The restoration (crown, bridge, or denture) that we install on top of your implants will have been tailor-made to match your unique smile and complement your facial features. Additionally, you’ll never have to worry about your teeth shifting around or falling out like you would with dentures.

Do Dental Implants Feel Natural?

Dental implants not only look just like your home-grown pearly whites, but they feel like them too! Out of all the options to replace missing teeth, dental implants come the closest to mimicking natural tooth structure. By replacing the tooth’s root with a solution that stays embedded in your jaw, the implant feels indistinguishable from the tooth you used to have.