How to Get the Most Out of Your Veneers

March 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchopark @ 2:06 am

Woman looking in mirror to brush her teethAre you ready to invest in the picture-perfect smile you desire? Veneers are a great option because they can correct several issues simultaneously. No one will be able to tell they aren’t part of your natural smile, which can last for a decade or longer with the right care. Here’s how to get the most out of your new smile by promoting the lifespan of veneers. 

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Veneers are designed to be a long-term solution; however, they aren’t permanent. Their lifespan is affected by several factors, like your oral hygiene habits. On average, the life expectancy is about 10 years, but it’s not uncommon for them to thrive for decades. You can take the right steps at home to ensure your veneers stay bright and beautiful for many years to come by:

Choosing the Right Dental Products

Veneers are durable, but they aren’t any match against abrasive dental products, which can scratch their surfaces. This can cause your smile to lose its bright, white appearance and trap food particles that can lead to odors. Your cosmetic dentist will recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle toothpaste to clean your teeth.

Committing to Your Oral Hygiene

Tooth decay and gum disease can cause your veneers to fail. Thankfully, you can prevent both with a solid oral hygiene routine at home. Brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss every night. 

Watching What You Eat

You can eat just about anything with veneers, but you’ll want to skip hard or sticky foods. Your dentist will also recommend limiting your alcohol consumption because it can weaken the bonding material between the veneer and enamel. You may also want to limit your consumption of darkly pigmented foods and drinks. Although your veneers can’t discolor, your enamel is still susceptible to stains.

Stopping Any Bad Oral Habits

You can prevent accidental chips or cracks by breaking any bad oral habits, like using your teeth to open bottles or chewing on your fingernails. It’s important to wear an athletic mouthguard if you play sports. Ask your dentist for a nightguard if you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth.

Visiting Your Dentist Regularly

Semi-annual appointments are also important for the lifespan of your investment. Visit your dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and checkup. They’ll keep your teeth and gums healthy while monitoring for any issues with your veneers. If a veneer suffers damage or falls off, your dentist can replace it quickly to restore your beautiful smile. 

With the right habits at home and regular appointments with your dentist, your veneers can serve you for many years. You will have peace of mind to smile confidently. 

About Dr. Nicole Sassounian

Dr. Sassounian earned her dental degree at the USC School of Dentistry before continuing her training in esthetics. She regularly takes continuing education courses to provide advanced services, like veneers. If you are ready to revamp your smile, contact our office today to schedule your consultation for veneers.

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